Stigma and Erectile Dysfunction | ED Erectile Dysfunction Shockwave Therapy | Depression and ED.

2 years ago

Why is there such a stigma about erectile dysfunction and why don’t men openly discuss their erection problems with their friends and family? Visit our website at and

To most men, having an erection is a sign of their masculinity. Sexual prowess and masculinity go hand in glove, and this isn’t just in the United Kingdom, it is common wherever you go in the world.

From an early age, boys are generally conditioned to be tough, not to cry when they hurt themselves, and to pull themselves together. As they get a little older and reach puberty, the jokes, the taunts, in the school changing rooms all become an integral part of growing up.
Then as teenager’s men become interested in sex. The precocious ones brag about their conquests (real or imagined) and boast about the size of their penis and inflate their sexual prowess.

Young men, then start feeling peer pressure and being sexually active, becomes just as important to them as being successful on the sports field or achieving academically. It is an intricate part of their psyche.

Men don’t help each other. Men are very competitive and if any young man were to mention his ED problems to his friends, let alone his enemies, he would likely endure jokes and ridicule.
The pressure on men has never been greater. Reality shows like ‘Love Island’ glorify, fit, handsome males, full of testosterone, and in some parts of society, there is an emphasis on sex first and relationship second. Add to that the female comedians that think it is funny to mock men’s inability to have sex.

In more macho societies the stigma is even worse. In some society’s men don’t want anyone to know about their condition and they will even seek treatment in a different country or continent. At Mansmatters we regularly have men say, .‘if you can’t sleep with your wife, have sex with your wife, you are not a real man.

The good news is the barriers are starting to come down: It is now recognized that this is a common condition for many men, there are many private companies offering solutions,s, and websites like ours at are a treasure trove of information.

At Mansmatters treat men with the gold standard treatment: Extra Corporeal Focused Shockwave Therapy. In order for a man to have an erection, he will need up to 20 times the blood to run into the penis to make it hard. The penis is full of blood vessels that are little bits like a mass of tree roots. Focussed shockwave therapy not only exponentially increases the number of blood vessels in the penis, but also clears all blockages, meaning many men can have longer, harder and fuller erections again.

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