Deut 22 13 30, August 21, 2022 God’s Command on the Importance of Virginity

2 years ago

In this week's teaching, Pastor Kevin expounds on the laws governing chastity before and faithfulness during marriage, explaining how these laws preserved the Jews to the present day, whereas most ancient cultures have since died out as a natural result of disease and fertility loss associated with sexual immorality. We also see once more how God's laws protected Jewish (and captive gentile) women and children from violence and abuse, in sharp contrast to the pagan cultures surrounding them. We see how misery and family chaos resulted whenever these laws were ignored. While believers today are not under the mosaic law, we do understand that God's moral law is timeless. A healthy fear of God and knowledge of the consequences of disobedience constrain us to obey for our own good as well as to please God. Pastor Kevin implores the young people to keep themselves pure before marriage so as to receive all that the God intends for them to enjoy with their future life partner.
Associated notes and links are at under Sermon Archives, Deuteronomy, God's Command on the Importance of Virginity - Deuteronomy 22:13-30,

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