2006 Lou Dobbs the only MSM journalist to report on the signing of the NORTH AMERICAN UNION (SPP)

1 year ago

The NORTH AMERICAN UNION (AKA Security & Prosperity Partnership (SPP)) was originally signed in Waco, Texas, USA by 3 leaders Canadian Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin, US President George W Bush, and Mexican President Vincente Fox as it was all done in SECRET and most of the mainstream media was quiet about it or called it a conspiracy even though the documents were out there. Originally signed in 2005.

In 2006, Canada elected Conservative Steven Harper for Prime Minister of Canada and he continued with the signing of this NORTH AMERICAN UNION agreement (SPP) until 2007. It doesn't matter if they are Liberal or Conservative leaders they work for the private shadow government of the United Nation, WEF, and all the other NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS that just do what they want without letting the public know.

Although the North American Union has not been implemented yet (There would be OUTRAGE from the public of all countries involved) it is still signed agreement to merge all 3 countries similar to the EUROPEAN UNION and they had a currency named the AMERO similar to the EURO in the European Union.

Thank god for Tom Fitton's JUDICIAL WATCH as a group of lawyers acting as WATCH DOG against the government as they are always putting in FREEDOM OF INFORMATION requests and when the government doesn't comply or delays, Judicial Watch takes them to court. Probably one of the best organizations to give money to as they always get the GOODS on the government. You can see a much younger Tom Fitton on CNN with Lou Dobbs here.
Here is a site that had all the documents for the SECURITY & PROSPERITY PARTNERSHIP but some links are now "PAGE NOT FOUND".

Dr Jerome Corsi wrote a book about it in 2009 called "THE LATE GREAT USA: NAFTA, the North American Union, and the Threat of a Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada".

They also have a huge highway planned called the PAN-AMERICAN highway that would start FAR NORTH in Prudue Bay Alaska USA and go down through CANADA and then down through the USA & MEXICO straight down to SOUTH AMERICA to the southern tip of Argentina as it would use existing highways and connect them all together to make this SUPER HIGHWAY and this was not told to the public but it wall planned by these elite shadow government that runs all the leaders.

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