Whatcom's Common Threads All County Forum - Bellingham, WA, 10-13-22

2 years ago

With Moderators Joe Teehan and Ken Bell, Candidates for Legislative Districts in Whatcom County state and federal elected positions took part in the Forum Debate at Meridian Highschool in ranges of issues from affordable gas and electric costs, inflation, WA green energy sanctions, to all others affecting Bellingham and surrounding towns in Whatcom County.

Ranging from slinging reputations/defamation in edged jabs at each other to stressing what defines their criteria (for votes on the congressional floor), there was no shortage of techniques employed when pinching nerves in order contest the contents of candidates actions for the 42nd district races.

The forum took place in Bellingham, WA on October 14th, 2022 in Meridian Highschool and was livestreamed on facebook, youtube, as well as broadcast live on KGMI for listeners.

The Northwest Common Threads took place from 6:30 to 9:30 pm and was held between 9+ WA state candidates.

Reuse of this footage is not recommended and reuse/reposting should be made at the permission of the channel operator/owner per fair use.

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