Deuteronomy 23,17 24,4 Sept 4, 2022, Marriage and Divorce in the Law and New Testament

2 years ago

In today’s message, Pastor Kevin reminds us that while the ceremonial aspects of the mosaic law were fulfilled in Jesus, the civil and moral laws, taking into consideration the cultural context, apply to us today. The principles provide guideposts for living a life and having a society that God can bless and avoid the destruction and misery that always accompanies disobedience. He shows how this applies specifically to the laws concerning prostitution, usury, and vows, which conclude Deuteronomy 23.
Deuteronomy Chapter 24 verses 1-4 address divorce. Scripture is clear that God’s plan for marriage is a union between is one man and one woman, both virgins at marriage and faithful to each other for life. Pastor Kevin addresses the reasons that God’s law allowed divorce under some conditions, discusses the New Testament teachings for believers today, and emphasizes that Jesus will forgive those who divorced outside of God’s provisions as He does any repentant sinner.
Associated notes and links are at under Sermon Archives, Deuteronomy, Marriage and Divorce in the Law and New Testament, Deuteronomy 23:17-24:4,

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