The Residential School Story has been distorted to push a political agenda

2 years ago

In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Dr. Rodney Clifton have a conversation about Canadas indigenous history, how the truth and reconciliation commission has dramatically altered data, the role he played in the residential school system, and the other side of the story that isn't being talked about.

Rodney A. Clifton is Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Manitoba, where he has been teaching since 1979. He was born in Jasper, Alberta, and he taught at Memorial University for six years before moving to Manitoba. Over the last thirty years, he has published more than ninety research articles and five books and monographs. Dr. Clifton has won a number of research awards: the Spencer Fellowship from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement

Clifton and Grey take a deep dive into the history of residential schools, unpacking the complex nature of the challenges everyone faced during the era, the problems with the information manipulation from the truth and reconciliation commission, while shining a light on some of the more positive aspects of the good that was done. The conversation takes a break from the distortion of main stream media spinning and really examines the reality of the difficulties everyone endured.

This Episodes Recommended Reading:

Indian Residential Schools: Another Picture - Eric Bays

Guts Glory Arctic Skiers Who Challenged World - Sally Manning

From Truth Comes Reconciliation - Dr. Rodney Clifton

The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam - Douglas Murray

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