Løthur Grooming LØNNY SET & SHE Brush First try. Support CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

2 years ago


CALM ( Campaign Against Living Miserably ) : https://linktr.ee/CampaignAgainstLivingMiserably

DONATE HERE: https://www.thecalmzone.net/donate

Products used :
Løthur Grooming LØNNY SET soap & after-shave
Løthur Grooming SHE Brush Synthetic G5D not
RazoRock ECO Razor
Astra superior platinum Blade
Haryali London Alum stick

If you would like to support the channel Buy me a Coffee : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/DoubleY

Frank Shaves Brushes - Use Code DY10 for 10% Discount
My affiliate link: - https://www.frankshaving.com/discount/DY10

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/double_y100/

Linktr.ee : https://linktr.ee/Double_Y_

#shaving #lønny #løthurgrooming #calm #suicideprevention #razorock #astrablades #firsttry #haryalilondon #sotd #shavingproducts #safetyrazor #wetshaving

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