The Rapture: Hoax or Hope?

2 years ago

Grieved by the chaotic confusion within Christendom regarding the biblical truth of the Pre-Trib Rapture, and the heretical teaching of amillennialism, (the big lie), Dr. Jack and Rexella Van Impe have created this video. In it, Dr. Van Impe presents proof positive that the triumphant call "Come up hither!" will reach every living Christian and rapture us before the Tribulation begins. He also proves that Christ will reign on this earth for 1,000 Years.

Some major Protestant denominations and at least one noted Catholic theologian have mocked and denied the truth of the Rapture and the Millennium. now it is time to turn to Dr. Jack Van Impe, a noted authority you know and trust, for the truth from the Bible, and then share this video with a seeker who is concerned about the future and Bible prophecy.

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