Deuteronomy 25:11- 26:15, Oct 9, 2022, Remember What the Amalek Did to You

2 years ago

This week, we look at the final commands in Deuteronomy, which address two men in personal combat; honesty in commerce; God’s judgment of the Amalekites; and the offering of the first fruits.
Considering the cultural context and underlying purposes of these rules, we see how these laws benefited the Jewish people and how they apply to us today. Because of the Law, the Jewish people were miraculously preserved until the birth of Jesus, fulfilling God's promises to Abraham that all the world would be blessed through his family, and until the present day. Of special note, Pastor Kevin shows how the Amalekites are a type of our flesh, which wars against the Spirit of Jesus (Galatians 5:17) and the Feast of First Fruits was a type of Jesus, the first fruits from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20).
Associated notes and links are at under Sermon Archives, Deuteronomy,

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