David Foster Wallace and the Horror of Life

2 years ago

An emergency room visit leads to thoughts about the life and death of
David Foster Wallace; criticism of Wallace from Dave Eggers, Michiko
Kakutani, and Harold Bloom; an encounter with Wallace at the Elliot Bay
Book Company when he was touring for Infinite Jest; Wallace and the
sleazier aspects of addiction and human sexuality; why the grim
perceptions of depressed people hew closer to how the world really
operates; Wallace’s fraught relationships with his mother and Mary Karr;
other distinguished novelists who were emotionally unstable and/or
morally depraved, such as Norman Mailer, William Burroughs, Samuel
Beckett, and James Joyce; Bret Easton Ellis trashing Wallace on Twitter; writers as creators of weaponized memeplexes that can be used to “demoralize and passify the unwary.” Etc.

Prefer to read? This essay can also be found on Medium (with all
footnotes intact):

Written and narrated by Derek Swannson

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Here” “To Hide Their Secrets” “That Hopeful Future is All I’ve Ever
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