The Alex Jones Show Friday Dec. 14, 2012

2 years ago

Ever wanted to hear what Alex Jones really said the day of the Sandy Hook shooting?

More detailed Sandy Hook research can be found here:

A few Time Stamps.

38:56 It may be staged, if not it has been copycat promoted by the media and the guy will be on prozac or one of those dirviatives.

41:28 I don't think I have ever seen a mass shotting that wasn't staged where the person wasn't hoped up on those drugs.

41:34 And this could be real, with all the culture of death and people being in on it. But if we start seeing tell tell signs of ths being staggged, we will let you know.

1:05:49 Report of second gunman and the police are looking for a maroon van with it's back window blown out.

1:06:56 If they try to blame this on a patriot group, folks you know it is stagged, you know it is stagged.

1:07:17 And if we found out there was a drill, at this school, and we have already had locals call in and say before this happened, they were alrady evacuating the high school. We need people out there on the ground with video cameras.

1:07:44 I'm tellin you ladies and gentelmen this thing stinks to high heaven.

1:08:28 Fed pays for drills at schools to diminish the second amendment.

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