2 years ago

Radical Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat to civilization in the 21st century. But powerful leaders are trying to disguise the truth about this violent religion and its demand for conquest. Don't let your family and church be deceived!

Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe explain the truth about Islam and how it compares to the Bible. In this video you will discover the answers to questions such as:

-Why are Muslims permitted by their religion to LIE about Islam and proclaim it is peaceful?

-What supposed Christian is spreading the lie that Jesus was a Palestinian?

-How is President Obama's record clearly anti-Israel and pro-Islam?

-Can democracy and Islam co-exist?

-What does the Bible say about the coming war with Russia - and how do today's headlines predict it?

-How do the recent terrorist attacks by ISIS and Russia's growing Mid-East presence clearly demonstrate the fulfillment of prophecy and impact the latter-day calendar?

-And many more!

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