MUST WATCH: Dutch ex-banker Ronald Bernard story of working for the Satanic Bankers

2 years ago

I took some notes on this as his story is a MUST WATCH. He worked for them between 1982-1994 and went into hiding for 11 years separated from his wife and 2 children. He only came out for the first time in this interview about 5 years ago.

Amazing testimony from financial elite insider - Ronald Bernard (DUBBED IN ENGLISH):

Ronald Bernard had a financial background in asset management. He has been an entrepreneur his whole life and various businesses like a line of womens clothing, car dealerships, & a Grain import/export business where you have to trade currencies regularly and one broker said to him “I see you working all the time and what is your goal?” and Ronald said he wants MONEY! That broker told him to forget about what he is doing and get into the financial markets. The broker told him he would train him to take his place but he would have to give him 10% of his earnings and he would train him and introduce him to the financial network.

The broker than said there is one thing you need to know is that if you can not put your CONSCIENCE into the proverbial FREEZER at minus 100 degrees then DON’T get involved in this. Making lots of money comes at a great cost as you can’t do with with a conscience (To enter the top levels of the financial world). As he improved his skills as a trader and networking skills he got deeper into the financial world. His job was to MOVE MONEY that banks could not do. Everything you want to know about the world you can know by following the money and there you will find the TRUTH.

People think there is opposing forces of GOOD and EVIL but at the top it is just a game but they have to stick to the rules and regulations so the key is to make sure NO ONE CAN TRACE YOU apart from the elites themselves. He said they believe that 8,000-8,500 people who run the world. In his work he had to know 100% what was going on so he would NOT make a mistake. You need NERVES OF STEEL to function at that level. Ronald played at the HIGHEST LEVEL for 5 YEARS. He was skilled at connecting the dots for all the things involved. He was good to where he was always the LEAD guy working with colleagues and staying within the rules but always OUTSMARTING them. His CLIENTS were BANKS who did not want blood on their hands. Only 1% of people in the banks know what is truly going on in the world. The MONEY FLOWS.

You have to deal with GOVERNMENTS, MULTI-NATIONALS, SECRET SERVICES, and what they now call TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS. You get all of the GROUPS that are involved with the BIG MONEY and then you start seeing the connections. They might be compartmentalized but because I am in the middle I see how they all RELATE to each other and an OVERVIEW of what is REALLY GOING ON. You think that the secret services (Intelligence Agencies?) are there to serve and protect the people but they actually turn out to be the CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS to be more precise. We are talking about FINANCING WARS, CREATING WARS so creating a lot of misery in this world. They are always trading in money for DRUGS, WEAPONS, or for that matter PEOPLE. (CIA, MOSSAD, MI6, etc… FBI, MI5 etc..). You find all this out in his line of work.

He said THEY looked down on people and would recall successful deals that bankrupt others and suicides happened and he said they would LAUGH about it. Many of his colleagues ended up drinking or using DRUGS. You get DEEP WITHIN THESE CIRCLES and you SIGN A LIFETIME CONTRACT to never disclose the names of COMPANIES or PEOPLE. He was on the path to become a psychopath and he failed and did not complete the training. He was successful and he was trusted by the people playing that that level. Most of these people were LUCIFERIANS and they serve something immaterial in what they call LUCIFER. He went to their satanic churches as he did not take is seriously at all as they did their HOLY MASS with naked women. And then at one point he was invited to participate in a child sacrifice abroad.

At some point he was invited to participate in child sacrifices abroad (Visually shaken) and that was Ronald's BREAKING POINT and he could not do that and then he started to slowly break down. EVERYTHING CHANGED but that is the world I found myself in. He started to REFUSE assignments in his job as he could no longer do it which made him a threat because in that world they need everybody in their pocket and you need to be susceptible to BLACKMAIL and blackmail on him would be hard as he looks back on it and wanted to do it through those children.

They have been doing this for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. He studies THEOLOGY and even in the bible you find these practices done by the Israelites. The reason the first 10 tribes were banished to Babylonia were because of these RITUALS WITH CHILDREN. There is a WHOLE INVISIBLE WORLD with a DARK FORCE and the manifestation of LIGHT. He said when you are making deals you always need to MANIPULATE the MEDIA and you have to manipulate a lot of things because nothing can be seen as it is. Everything has to appear as something different. You see the people as a flock of sheep so you put a couple of bordie collies on each side to drive them in a direction. You see how stupidly easy it is to manipulate people (Mass Psychology) in a certain direction when you are the one pulling the strings.

I found a document which they are claiming is bullshit of course, THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION. Any nowadays I recommend everyone read that incredibly BORING document. Just read it slowly. INTERVIEWER SAYS We are also talking about ZIONISM to which Ronald says YES, OF COURSE, if you read the protocols of Zion and study them then it is like reading the daily newspaper of the daily life. INTERVIEWERS SAYS And we have all been programmed that if you dare to say you are against ZIONISM then you are branded as ANTISEMITIC.

The Dark force, Luciferians, Satanist or whatever you want to call it but it is a REAL ENTITY as this is an annihilating energy that HATES OUR GUTS, IT HATES CREATION, IT HATES LIFE. They use DIVIDE & CONQUER which is their TRUTH which from a LUCIFERIAN point of view is suppressing the full power of your enemy by dividing them. Humanity needs to UNITE & COME TOGETHER.

He says his body simply stopped and ended up at the hospital. He looked down and saw his body (NDE/OBE). He realized he was NOT his body but it is just a vessel. He was burned out, crashed and his body needs a year to recover. He doesn’t want to get into it now but in those circles he got tortured physically during his exit time. This was in order to make sure I never break the contract of secrecy. They exposed him to certain types of torture that makes sure you will never damage anyone in that world. Says most of his colleagues are dead by now due to DRINKING and DRUGS. People like him are called STRAWMEN.

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