Get Rid of Your HeadTrash (in 60 seconds) - Part 2 - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second Wisdom

2 years ago

Kick HeadTrash to the Curb!

Get Rid of Your HeadTrash (in 60 Seconds) – Part 2 – Matthew Kelly - 60 Second Wisdom

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Watch the rest of the series:

What is HeadTrash? (Part 1) -

3 Ways You’re Sabotaging Yourself with HeadTrash (Part 3) -

4 SIMPLE Ways to Overcome HeadTrash (Part 4) -

The Worst Chokes in Sport, How Athletes Deal With HeadTrash (Part 5) -

The Ultimate Weapon Against HeadTrash (Part 6) -

Video Transcript:

“If there was a broken sewage pipe in your neighborhood and your child was playing in the raw sewage, what would you do? Now, I know it a gross image, but I want you to hold onto it, because it will serve you well in the years to come. Headtrash is more dangerous to you than that raw sewage is to that child.

You can take out your HeadTrash, but unless you know how to recognize when you are depositing new HeadTrash, engaging with your HeadTrash, and when other people are trying to dump HeadTrash on you, the trash will continue to accumulate.

Here are two things you can start doing right now to eliminate the negative effects of HeadTrash in your life:

1. When you notice yourself playing in your HeadTrash, say to yourself, out loud if necessary, “It’s time to take out the trash.”

2. When you notice other people being negative and trying to deposit trash in your mind, say to them, “I need you to take that HeadTrash out of here.” And when other people tell you that you can’t do something, don’t automatically believe them.

Next up is 3 Ways You Sabotage Yourself with HeadTrash.”

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