286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 122 County property giveway?

2 years ago

286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 122 County property giveway? umm NO!
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Have you been paying attention?
William Grant has been to the BOC twice now and told them in no uncertain terms that they will NOT donate 6 million dollars to the Mental Health Facilty, contracted by LifeStream if LifeStream will own the taxpayer funded property if/when their contract ends. LifeStream apparently has offered to lease it back to the county! WT?
YOU the taxpayer gets to pay for it and then YOU the taxpayer can lease it back. Folks the BOCC is NOT an entity of it's own that generates it's own income. The BOCC takes it's income from YOU!
Next up!
Have you been paying attention?
The BOCC funds the destructive spraying of our waterways with pllutants and then encourages Too Far to get grants TO CLEAN IT!
This and more tonight at 8 PM.
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