Poison Pill Infecting the Real Estate Market

2 years ago

The poison pill infecting the markets was the Fed's artificially low interest rates that will constrict housing supply for decades to come. However, myopic people are focused on housing prices, when they should focus on yield or return on investment. That's what investing is all about!

Join Jason Hartman today as he takes you through the state of today’s particular housing market, a strange recession and disastrous financial unrest around the world.

Here in the United States, we are moving into a very weird type of market. The Fed is raising rates and it's freaking people out in the stock market, the housing market, and oddly, the cryptocurrency market, which is not acting the way it's expected to act. So this weird market is where we could have a significant recession, and still have very low housing inventory, and very low rates of foreclosures.

The predictors of disaster are always wrong. Disaster is an iterative process. It is a more subtle process where our freedoms are taken away slowly and where our money is being debased little by little until one day you wake up and your only option is a central bank digital currency.

The winds are changing all over the world and one needs only to look to recent happenings in the country of Lebanon. People in Lebanon are robbing banks, not to steal other people's money, but simply to get their own money in the face of a collapsing system.

0:00 Welcome to The Creating Wealth Show, episode 1901
1:12 Alarming financial distress with banks across the world
4:03 Michael Pollan and the psychedelic movement: opening doors to perception that we really can't explain
6:10 Central bank digital currency, CBDC, digital dollar
7:08 Social scoring system already in place in China
8:17 Prepping is not a lifestyle, just something on your to-do list
10:05 People are robbing banks in Lebanon simply to get their own money
11:37 Ponzi schemes and fractional reserve banking
12:29 Housing inventory update - the high end market is continuing to decline
14:31 Artificially low mortgage rates were a poison pill and will constrict the market for decades to come
17:17 Opendoor & Zillow: iBuyer fiascos
18:34 Tech companies think they've figured out the real estate game, but it's still a low tech business
21:05 Are mortgage rates over 6% really a big problem?
22:06 Empowered Investor LIVE in Scottsdale in January!
23:30 Recession Proof Investing Summit coming up! https://www.empoweredinvestor.com/summit
24:50 People in the renter market cannot afford to move out and buy
25:16 Focus on yield, not on prices - that is what investing is all about!

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