BOOM! Trump Slams Romney For Refusing to Endorse Mike Lee, Helping Democrats Hold Senate

2 years ago

Trump Slams Romney For Refusing to Endorse Mike Lee, Helping Democrats Hold Senate
Former President Donald Trump issued a statement accusing Senator Mitt Romney of having “abused” fellow Utah Senator Mike Lee and excoriated him for his refusal to make an endorsement in Lee’s re-election bid against ‘Never Trump’ Republican Evan McMullin.

“Mike Lee is an outstanding Senator who has been abused, in an unprecedented way, by a fellow Republican Senator from his own State, something which rarely has happened in political History,” Trump said in a release sent to subscribers of his Save America PAC emails.

“Such an event would only be understandable if Mike did not perform his duties as a United States Senator, but he has, and he has performed them well,” he added.

Romney, in a statement to The Hill, said he was staying out of the race between Lee and McMullin because he is fond of both candidates.

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