Wake up to the Truth, that We The People are the Law!

2 years ago

Estimated 20 milllion plus dead from death jab so far

Join my media https://freedomtv-frog-unit.mn.co/share/PWJ3v4XvHiOkx1x_ Or on Truth Social @ FREEDOMTV https://rumble.com/v1mpfuq-the-set-up-part-11-our-trojan-horse.html https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=BN83CHSF4ZAVQ
Be changing donations soon hopefully leave me alone for awhile but it’s not about the money I’m targeted too.

If I ever help you save, receive or take money back they owe or plus, don’t forget to donate don’t need karma mang… They got both my rumbles censored, it’s on you to share the vids and warn others.. because the message barely made it to you if your reading this.. I started an Odysee account, rumble might be coming to and end for me with the censoring, Il just watch my frens vids but pretty soon if it continues then il only be uploading on Odysee ,that like is here to to find me.. https://odysee.com/@FreedomTV:b/trim.07768DDB-5433-4C78-965E-8AE644BC9E4B:f Full vid https://rumble.com/vzpyp1-david-straight-utah-seminar-part-1-of-5-discern-for-yourselves.html Your looking for the real definition of legal, it’s the undoing of Gods law… https://aetherical.blogspot.com/p/lawful-and-legal.html

Dealing with invisible bullet weapons, radiation beams

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