2 years ago

Kudos to the Babylon Bee for putting this video out there!
Born there and left it 32 years back. A parody yes BUT all so true of what happened to a once great State that was ideal to grow up in. In my day you could go to any beach for free, you could surf for free, you could dirt-bike for free. So many things that this younger generation will never get to experience! Why? ASSHOLES got elected into positions that stole your money and stole your soul. It's a damn shame how they Fth it up. Lived in Napa when there were still smudge pots, lived near Francisco when it was cool, L.A and Huntington Beach were awesome. I would like my birth State back, however the only way that can happen is to Gitmo every single politician, judge, school board member and un-brainwash the cops. You Californians stayed there while they used lasers to start ALL those fires every year that burnt houses and cars BUT no trees? Really? Maybe in my other life I might see a beautiful California again, until then stand up and fight it back otherwise fall as Rome once did and the cesspool that NY is now.

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