2 years ago

"The heaven of heavens is but a veil"
"So small is the World, compared with the wide extent of the empyreal Heaven."
#Tempestuous #SkyScheme
#HighCrimes #SkyMANIA
#PlayingWithFire #RadioactiveRisk

#Pestilential #IntrogressiveExtinction
#ArcaneAntipathy #BAKEnSHAKE #BlowOut #1080p

#UnderTheWeather #ClimateChangers

#PurifytheSKY #PurifytheMIND #HigherTruth
#READbetweentheLIES #BlackCubeDeathCult
#WickedBabylon #SkyVipers

#NurembergCodeViolators #Nuremberg2022
#NoHoldsBarred #MedicalViolations
#OnlytheStrongSurvive #SurvivaloftheFittest
..."ready the hanging tree"...
#COERCION #MedicalTyranny

#MercuryVaporWaves #EmpCoe

According to the World Health Organization, every year, around 7 million people die prematurely from disease caused by air pollution. That is 800 people every hour, or 13 every minute, dying because of the dirty air they breathe. Approximately, 4 million of these deaths occur in the Asia-Pacific region.

Pollutants are usually released into the environment through cycles that flow between air, land and water, until they are buried in lakes or deep ocean sediments. However, wildfires, floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis or earthquakes can release these elements suddenly and in large quantities. Geothermal activity, for example, can cause methylmercury—a highly toxic form of mercury found in aquatic environments—to be released into the air. When inhaled, mercury vapor affects the nervous, digestive and immune systems, lungs and kidneys, and may be fatal.

Mercury emissions know no national or continental boundaries. Mercury emitted into the air can travel thousands of miles in the atmosphere before it is eventually deposited back to the earth in rainfall or in dry gaseous form.



#EPA #Violations #FDA

Carte Blanche is an exposé of a U.S. medical-research system that has proven again and again that it cannot be trusted.

​​ #PublicEnemies​​ #RemovedfromYouTube​
#OpenEyedUnafraid #BALLoFIRE

Fair Use musical Mashup featuring:
Gun (Live At The Paramount Theatre, Seattle / 1992)
-by - Soundgarden
Audio DrJacked @ 432hz
Video created by DrJack SkyWatcher

REFUSE the Vaccines and Boosters!!! Do not allow Heavy Metals to be Injected into your body! Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative and has been used in vaccines, such as the measles/mumps/rubella/Covid-19 vaccines.
Hundreds of symptoms may be due to Heavy Metal toxicity.
During The Spanish Flu of 1918-1919, more People actually died from the vaccine rather than the Spanish Flu.
Many of the dead were vaccinated soldiers.

Heavy metals have been reported to be #carcinogenic​​​​, #mutagenic​​​​, and #teratogenic​​​​. They cause generation of reactive #oxygenic​​​​ species (ROS) and thus induce oxidative stress. Oxidative #stress​​​​ in organisms leads to the development of various #diseases​​​​ and abnormal conditions. Heavy metals also act as metabolic poisons.

Chronic low-level exposure can lead to a wide array of problems, ranging from #neuropsychiatric​​​​ disturbances such as aggressive behavior, #memory​​​​ loss, #depression​​​​, #irritability​​​​, and learning #deficits​​​​, to physical manifestations such as liver and kidney dysfunction, fatigue, infertility, gout, hypertension, headache, and candida infections....

Chronic heavy metal poisoning can be challenging for both health care
providers and patients because the majority of clinicians are unlikely to suspect heavy metal toxicity as a cause of their patient’s problems due to a general lack of knowledge of this subject in the medical community.



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