Abducted and Abused by NS CPS never seen again she was so loved and happy

2 years ago

On Dec 31 of 2020 my beautiful almost 16 year old daughter was abducted by Nova Scotia Police and Child Protection services as a hate crime to us. We were running from abuse from 56 lahey road after our police man landlord slum lord Andrew MacVicar moved in gang members , they did serious crimes including the grooming of my daughter , property damage , threats, murder and drugs. That was done in retaliation for reporting Dan Miller who does severe abuse to many kids , women and men in dartmouth and also the murder of Sheila Madore . You can see my daughter was loved and well looked after , police came and destoyed my and her life she was dragged around to 5 different locations in 5 weeks and no one has seen her since . My self and her were very close I had a great job and worked in a school I am now homeless and cant get work , police claim that I am the dangerous one , only one I am dangerous to is their criminal organizartion.

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