How were the Vandals able to conquer Roman Africa so easily?

2 years ago

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One of the decisive turning points in the Fall of the Western Roman Empire was that the Vandals were able to conquer the rich province of Africa, taking away this important source of tax revenue and grain supply from the Western Roman Empire, which greatly accelerated the Fall of the West. But how were they able to do this? Well, after having breached the Roman border defences at the Rhine in early 407 AD, after a few years of plundering, they settled in southern Spain. But the Vandals being the Vandals, nobody wanted them there. So the Romano Spaniards did everything in their power to get rid of them. It was thus Romans themselves who taught the Vandals how to build Ships in order to cross the straight of Gibraltar in 429 AD. When they then landed in Africa, they met stiff opposition from Roman garrison troops, but in the course of 10 years, they still managed to occupy the whole province. How? Well, they had again help not only from local Romans, but from many tribes such as the Berbers, who were opposed to Roman rule. Thus, without help from destert tribes and local romans, the Vandals would have never been able to conquer Africa. Subsequent tries to reconquer Africa for the West failed, and thus was the doom of Western Rome decided. The irony of history, that the Romans themselves created their own doom by helping the enemy.

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