Recipe For Disaster

2 years ago

Most people who claim to follow God actually do not; pay God lip service. This is proven when the devil sifts faith or God proves our faith. Nothing new under the sun. When faith is sifted nobody wants to stand with God and suffer, no one wants to be thrown in lions den; they will close their churches in fear.

If you want to see rebellion against God or falling away from faith. Look at what is soppose to be the Church and you will see the world and Church are united when it comes to fear. The very things God destroyed most of the children of Israel for after fighting to remove them from slavery and bondage under Pharoah. They were proven to be unfaithful to God and was gripped with fear and wanted to go back in bondage under Pharaoh. The same situation is why Jesus says, come out of her my people less ye partake in her sins and receive of her plagues. The devil is trying to usurp God's place which will see a harlot church ( religions and christian denominations) and church and state unite to one world religion.

The children of Isreal be as the sand of the sea but only a remnant is saved. when the devil is ready to act, he already knows the direction most peoples minds will go. He knows what it takes to separate people from God and he knows the effects of fear now that his time is up. The religious crowd follows the devil with a form of godliness and those who love not their lives to the death follow Christ. This is why you end up with hardly anyone of faith alive to see Jesus return. Notice how it is outlined in Revelation 6:9-11 KJV Bible. And this is nothing new as the prophets and disciples also went through it.

Chin up; many are called but few are chosen.

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