የትግራይ ነፃ አውጭ መቼ ነው የሚገነጠለው- የወልቃይትን መሬት ከሰጥተህ ዋጋ ትከፍላለህ - የህወሓት ውክልና ለግብፅ እና ለአሜሪካ ነው

2 years ago

When will the so called "liberation" of Tigray happen - If you give away the land of Wolkait, you will pay a price of insurmountable proportions - the representation of the TPLF is not for the people of Tigray, but for Egypt and America

የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Seyoum Teshome Gebreselasie
Account Number: 1000058300334

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