Dr Richard Delgado- The vaccinated now emit a visible MAC address like a smart phone or WiFi router

2 years ago

Instead of reading the English subtitles on the video I wrote it all here with his instructions in the second paragraph to verify the vaccinated emitting a mac address to the cell phone:

Dr Richard Delgado of La Quinta Columna
"Did you know that if you are vaccinated that you emit a visible MAC ADDRESS on any mobile phone. Regardless of the injectable they gave you, you appear marked as a network, whether it is from the Pfizer Herd, Astrazenica, the Jannsen, or Moderna. But from La Quinta Columna we do not intend to convince you. We want you to do it and see for yourself. It is extremely easy and will take you less than a minute.

Check from your phones android system, go to the playstore and download the free BLUETOOTH SCANNER APP. Once downloaded, activate the phones GPS and BLUETOOTH. Now open the BLUETOOTH SCANNER APP and choose SEARCH. You will verify that MAC ADDRESSES appear formed by groups of 12 digits between letters and numbers and separated by every colon and that they do not correspond to appliances in your environment. If you click inside each of them, you even get an estimate of the distance to which the vaccinated are.

If this is your case, one of those MAC ADDRESSES corresponds to your dial record. If you found this shocking, look forward to seeing the far reaching consequences of being branded like cattle for your existence. Not naïve friend, unfortunately this is not a hoax either. They injected you with micro technology and graphene to make it work. Micro technology like the one we have seen in all the vaccines we have analyzed in different parts of the world. They can not only monitor certain biomedical data of yours. The consequences of this go far beyond go far beyond what you can imagine now. From the official media, they hide from everyone this aberration carried out against all human beings, including your children. Enter the fifth column, and you will quickly understand the collateral of the effect of the introduction of this intra-corporeal micro technology as well as its humiliating final purpose for all of humanity".

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