Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood Talk About the Importance of Overall Health

1 year ago

At the 2022 ReAwaken America Tour, Bill Jasper, senior editor of The New American magazine, sat down with Drs. Mark and Michele Sherwood of the Functional Medical Institute.

The two doctors discuss the importance of overall health — physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual — to staying well and dealing with viruses, including Covid. They understand that the establishment’s response is driven by money and power. Is there hope for change in the medical health of the country?

Yes, and it starts at home: People must embrace self-governance — they must first take care of themselves and their families, then they can impact their communities and the government.

To learn more about Mark and Michelle's organization, go to https://fmidr.com/

For more great content, visit www.TheNewAmerican.com

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