MR - Pilgrim's Regress Bk.10 Ch.3-5 - Is God a Decent Chap?

2 years ago


Greetings Spiritual Pilgrims,

Is God a Decent Chap? Is that a decent question? It unnerved me at first glance, but then it started to settle in and make sense. Lewis does not imply that God is indecent, but rather that He does not conduct Himself in ways that conform to our Pride's and Ego's demands of what they subconsciously or consciously dictate to our minds, to our worlds, and to our spirit of the age as decent. Human decency changes over time. What was acceptable just a few years back is now taboo, while what was taboo is now celebrated with PRIDE. So, a student of history finds themselves freed from the moors of their day's demands of decency. But because we are freed from that illusion, we must then turn to something else besides prideful decency in order to construct a new (or perhaps old) way of living.

We will also talk for a while about the problem of pain. The Angel guide tells our heroes that pain is a gift. Is pain a gift? And if it came wrapped in flashy colors, would you be more inclined to celebrate the discovery of what lies within? Can a Christian ever come to terms with the gift of pain, and if so...what does the world look like for them from there on out. Would it make the a freak or a saint? Maybe, it makes them an alien and a stranger in this prideful land. It isn't the most exciting gift for anyone to be sure, but all the same, I will take Christ's gift of pain over the world's sense of security any day of the week. And I didn't get there without suffering and then seeing how suffering, when done right, lines oneself up with the Word made flesh, and just like the yellow rays of Earth's sun on Superman, so also the Red Blood of the Son on me!!

Pastor Johnny


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