Episode 20 | Hurricane Ian update, Mastriano Campaign update, Biden says nuclear ‘Armageddon”.

2 years ago

Hurricane Ian is estimated to have caused over $41B in damages. Making the damage totals the costliest storm in Florida's history.
Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brendarichardson/2022/10/06/total-flood-and-wind-losses-from-hurricane-ian-range-from-41-billion-to-70-billion/?sh=70be8ae82a92
Damage Images: https://www.google.com/search?q=hurricane+ian+damages&sxsrf=ALiCzsb6vsgfUVVHv-NCPHS_WIGTuUoSeg:1665268065820&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRipP81tH6AhVGhIkEHbC8AOcQ_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1280&bih=721&dpr=2
The key reason hurricane is so economically destructive is due to massive growth in coastal real estate in Florida - Said Larson (Everyone and their momma is moving to Florida)
Crazy image of Hurricane Ian shedding water two days after landfall.
Hurricane Ian from space: https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/shocking-photos-show-florida-shedding-water-from-hurricane-ian
Do you know what pisses me off? How they are out there trying to make this all political.
Video: Weatherman embarrasses John Lemon pushing climate change agenda

Topic 2:
Biden calls the ‘prospect of Armageddon’ the highest since the Cuban missile crisis. - NY Times

Episode Notes:
Link: NY Times article to read first three paragraphs (Encourage listeners to read the rest, but point out this piece of the article below.)
“Contrary to Mr. Biden’s comparison, American officials say they do not believe this moment is as fraught as the Cuban Missile Crisis, during which Mr. Kennedy declared a quarantine of Cuba to stop the delivery of nuclear weapons to the island. The chances of Mr. Putin using an atomic weapon remain low, they have said.”
So.. Then what is it? Is the threat a high risk since the Cuban crisis? Or is this fear-mongering? He tends to exaggerate and lie a lot to push his agenda. I personally don’t feel he’s exaggerating. I have a strong sense that a nuclear attack could be possible. Here are some signs for me that are red flags.
Link: The US just spent $290 million on anti-radiation pills used to ‘ save lives following nuclear emergencies.
Not only did we spend $290m on pills. There is also another alarming event currently taking place.
Link: Putin deploys world’s largest submarine with ‘apocalypse’ drone capabilities,
This submarine carries the Poseidon which is a completely new category of weapon.
Russia's nuclear torpedo is able to generate a radioactive tidal wave. Is also said to be able to travel large distances underwater, before exploding and causing a nuclear tsunami that could engulf coastal cities such as New York. - Newsweek
Imagine a nuclear tidal wave hitting coastal parts of our Country or any country. That would be devastating!

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