Unschooling//Free Range Kids//Pallets//Time Freedom

7 years ago

Today’s video from The Texas Boys:

Hope y'all enjoy today's Unschooling Vlog! We have provided the boys access to free pallets and some tools for years now and their skills and creativity continue to amaze us. I know...we are just a tad bias LOL! But honestly, they have made so many projects out of pallets and it all started when they were little and just giving them a hammer and teaching them how to take the pallets apart. If you can pick up some pallets and give your kids access to a few tools they will be sure to learn some simple building skills. More than that, building has given them a way to make what they need around the homestead. They have ambition and are excited about their goals that they have set for themselves. As parents watching all of this we are thrilled that our kids are excited about something and being productive. Unschooling/Relaxed Schooling/Lifeschool has given our kids the time freedom to chart their own course and we are 100% supportive. If you haven't watched any of our other homeschooling videos, I would encourage you to take some time and do that. Our approach has changed over the years and I'm sure it will continue to change as there is no "One Right Way" to homeschool because each family has a different situation. We are so glad that you stopped by and so thankful for all of the encouragement that this community has given to the boys! Making Youtube videos has become such a passion for them and a big part of their everyday learning...so again THANK YOU!

A BIG HUGE THANK YOU to our Patreon Supporters:

Mark Edwards
Be Not Slothful: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGijmHmcAFtqng4U062xVRQ
East Texas Homestead: https://www.youtube.com/user/EastTXHomestead
Garrett and Kristen Elias

If you would like to support the boys through Paypal here's the link:

If you would like to support the Boys on Patreon click here:


Patreon is a way for us to interact with our subscribers and it will help us to continue to improve our channel. All money generated from youtube and patreon goes into a savings account for the boys and they use it as they see fit to make improvements to their channel.

Follow us on social media:

Sign up for Ebates here:


Buy the same greenhouse we did on Amazon here: http://amzn.to/2lBj9wm

The YouTube gear we use:

WD Hard Drive

50" Monitor

Dell Computer:

Buy the Canon 80D we use: http://amzn.to/2EE2NbK

Rode Mic: http://amzn.to/2tC3GiC

Rode Mic bracket for Cannon: http://amzn.to/2syEl4l

This is our previous camera:

Cannon Vixia HF R700: http://amzn.to/2uvN7Bg

Tripod: http://amzn.to/2tBDftz

If you would like to support the Boys or order a T Shirt, you can use PayPal:


If you would like to support the Boys on Patreon click here:


Patreon is a way for us to better interact with our subscribers and it will help us to continue to improve our channel.

Follow us on social media:




Want To Support Us For FREE?!!! Shop from this general link on Amazon. From toilet paper to jewelry, we get a small commission no matter what you buy and it helps us be able to continue making these videos: http://amzn.to/2ozKhwB

The Market Gardener by JM Fortier: http://amzn.to/2s6zyuQ

Premier 1 electric poultry netting: http://amzn.to/2rOiARJ

LOOKING FOR AZOMITE for your plants: http://amzn.to/2p8sp8u

Buy a pair of Goob’s Sloggers: http://amzn.to/2oXkyyA

The YETI mic we use for our live shows: http://amzn.to/2qrZYGg

YETI Case: http://amzn.to/2qENMib

Wanna buy the incubator we use: http://amzn.to/2qrbjpy

Buy a Milwaukee M18 Sawzall: http://amzn.to/2qDKezq

Buy a Milwaukee M18 Circular Saw: http://amzn.to/2q90zIR

If you are interested in www.Vitacost.com use this link to get $5 off your first order: http://goo.gl/pnvJz7

Humidity Meter: http://amzn.to/2pToDQz

Audio library Noncopy righted Music.

Contact us by SNAIL MAIL:

The Texas Boys
PO BOX 263
White Oak, TX 75693

To Contact us by e-mail:


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