Messiah Matters #404 - You May Have Misunderstood

1 year ago

In this episode, we discuss how much we should rely on Jewish tradition when celebrating the biblical festivals, then we turn to the term "under the law" to determine what this might mean, finally a look at a discussion we had about the sabbath being changed to Sunday and some of the responses that we got that seem to imply some folks didn't understand our point.

Executive Producer: Lee & Vivian Eagan, Erna Draper, Bob & Larue Miller, Bobby Keicher, John Coulthard, Eric Warren, Kyle Ripley, Levi Mitchel.

Rob Vanhoff Rob teaches courses on 2nd Temple Period, Rabbinic Literature, Judaism, Koine Greek, and Aramaic. He has delivered papers at conferences for both Evangelical Theological Society and the Society of Biblical Literature. He serves at Heart of Messiah Ministries in Spokane Valley. Rob holds two degrees from the University of Washington: MA, Comparative Religion (2005) and BA, Near Eastern Languages & Civilization, with a minor in Music (2003).

Caleb Hegg is the founder of, a site dedicated to the study of God's covenants and law. Caleb has lectured at various conferences around the world, and written multiple published articles, most notably, several articles in "Celebrate the Feast" (TorahResource, 2019). Caleb Hegg received a two-year certificate from TR-Institute. Caleb is currently enrolled at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in an M.Div program.

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