Genetics and Peyronie's Disease | Genetics Disease Treatment | Genetics Disease | Mansmatters

2 years ago

One question posed by a number of our patients is whether Peyronie’s disease runs in the genes or not and whether it is something that could be experienced by other family members. Over the past 40 years, a number of studies have been undertaken but none have definitively shown genetics as a cause for Peyronie’s disease. Visit our website at and

Genetics and Peyronie's Disease | Genetics Disease Treatment | Genetics Disease | Mansmatters

However, there are a number of factors that support the theory that genetics play a part in the onset of Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease has a far higher occurrence in Caucasian men than in other ethnic groups. Like other diseases found in specific ethnicities for example Cystic Fibrosis, the higher prevalence suggests the presence of a founder mutation.

Peyronie’s disease is known as a fibroproliferative disease. With Peyronie’s disease, a fibrous plaque develops in the envelope that stretches the length of the penis. There is a strong correlation with other fibro-pro-lif-Erative diseases such as Dupuytren’s contracture, which is a deformity of the hand, where knots of tissue form under the skin, which develop into thick cords that pull one or more fingers into a bent position.

Up to15% of men with Dupuytren’s contracture also have been found to have Peyronie’s disease. And Dupuytren’s contracture is often found in families with a high prevalence of Peyronie’s disease. This overlap of symptoms suggests a common genetic predisposition.

Many men can remember a traumatic event; such a being injured during sex or being hit by a cricket ball that triggered off their Peyronie’s disease. However, very few men go through life, without at some stage being injured and experiencing severe pain in their private parts. But only a few develop Peyronie’s disease. This suggests that some individuals are ready primed to develop the disease in response to trauma, whereas others can experience a major trauma and not develop the condition. This too suggests there is a greater link to genetics.

But the bigger question, rather than genetics is what a man suffering from Peyronie’s disease can do about the condition. For years the answer was to leave the condition for 18 months, use a penile pump to stretch the penis, then when the condition has stabilized go under life-changing surgery to straighten and shorten the penis.

But, a new ground-breaking treatment, focused shockwave therapy is becoming the gold standard for Peyronies disease treatment and is widely discussed in our other videos. Focused shockwave therapy targets the fibrous plaque in which causes the bend in the penis, reduces the pain, and increases the girth and length of the penis.

To learn more about our shockwave treatment visit our website at and check out our YouTube channel videoPeyronie’s Disease Cure. These provide a comprehensive overview of all treatment options and a detailed animation of shockwave therapy.

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