Demise of the trinity (Pt#1)

2 years ago

God is NOT a trinity. This false trinity doctrine is based on a part ADDED to I John 5:7-8 in the Catholic Latin vulgate in the 4th century - and that's how it crept it's way into our English KJV. The trinity doctrine limits the God Family to only three persons, when in all actuality God is a Family reproducing themselves not a closed pagan trinity. The trinity is one of the main doctrines promoted by the False Church of Rome because it leads astray from the truth of the bible. The trinity doctrine blasphemes the Spirit of God by mis-representing it as a separate 3rd person from God and Jesus. The trinity belief completely does away with the whole gospel message Jesus proclaimed - the Gospel of the Kingdom of God - by limiting the God Family to three members and ONLY three members! God has not limited Himself to three persons but the pagan trinity doctrine has!

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