YES! Yammie Noob Fired Spite!

2 years ago

#yammienoob #spitescorner #motorcyclenews

yammy and spite are both great creators. Its going to be cool seeing spites corner do its thing.
I think its funny how Yammie was seeming awkward and uncomfortably comfortable.. if that makes sense... It was like he was bottling it all down and pretending that deep down he didn't feel any kind of way... I'm guessing that he was happy about the situation.. because why wouldn't he be.... he's about to leave the desk and go do a bunch of FUN stuff.. film bikes, ride bikes... talk about bikes!

If I owned a company like that and had the money to hire a producer or a CFO...
I'd hire the CFO too! I'd wanna be the producer... but there's for sure other ways that Yammie and Spite could have gone about it... maybe they weren't getting along though.. or... or maybe Yammie boinked Spites old lady lmao .im keedin.

Bust seriously... they couldn't find a way to grow Yammie noob and make spite financially happy...
Spite prolly wanted partnership.. He's a smart dude and he did a lot of work at Yammie Noob.. But Yammie probably wants full creative control he wouldn't have that if there was a partnership....
Spike for sure brings some different elements to the table, Some... Most, I prefer to Yam's stuff because its more grown up, less provocative and less arrogant.
He's also has a bit of grunge to him... Yammie noob though.. He's like preppie kid whos parents had issues...
Spite has this sick music vibe going on with his videos... wayy dope. and it just feels more manly which is nice hahah.

Give #postocalypse a subscribe.. and go look at anotha video.... I gotta helmet made out of jeans.

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