Our Almost Bill of Rights...

2 years ago

Our Almost Bill of Rights...

The 1789 Joint Resolution of Congress Proposing 12 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Articles 3 through 12 were ratified December 15, 1791 by three fourths of the states becoming our "Bill of Rights" (Constitutional Amendments 1 - 10). Article 2 of the document was not ratified until May 7, 1992. Article 1 was never ratified, hence the play on words of "almost". There is no time limit placed on ratification of these Articles...

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four-ruffles-and-flourishes-hail-columbia. The United States Navy Band (Washington, D.C.). https://www.navyband.navy.mil/media/ceremonial

Four Ruffles And Flourishes National Anthem. The United States Navy Band (Washington, D.C.). https://www.navyband.navy.mil/media/ceremonial

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