"Choke" by IDKHBTFM | Ukulele Cover

2 years ago

Ukulele cover of "Choke" by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME in some fun neon skull makeup for the spooky season. Hope you enjoy!
It's such a dark song but it sounds so happy haha
Hope you like the makeup, too :)

I like to think that this is self explanatory, but just in case, this is in no way encouraging participation in the blackout challenge or anything of the sort. It's just a song. Stay safe!

Skull Background:

#idkhbtfm #ukulele #cover #ukulelecover #acoustic #acousticcover #halloween #halloweencover #halloweenmakeup #skull #skullmakeup #idontknowhowbuttheyfoundme #neonskull #neon #neonmakeup #october #spooky #spookyseason #dallonweekes #ryanseaman

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