Is Jesus Christ/Yeshua God/YHWH?

2 years ago

Many doubt or question whether or not Jesus was divine or just a mere prophet of YHWH. Some claim that he never claimed to be YHWH in the flesh. Jesus fulfilled over 300 old testament prophecies proving that he alone is the Hebrew Messiah and YHWH manifested in the flesh. This video compiles a handful of the many times that scriptures foretell of coming a Messiah who would be the son of YHWH as well as the words of YHWH, Jesus and his apostles confirming who Christians and many Israelites believe him to be.

Jesus, YHWH, Yahshua, Yeshua, Yahoshua, Yahushua, God, Christ, bible, church, faith, Israel, Israelite, hebrew, holy spirit, Mohammed, Quran, Allah, Isa, Islam, Muslim, prophet, Messiah

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