Screaming Down The Wind

2 years ago

Screaming Down The Wind is an original song by Robert Stevens.
Written and performed by Robert Stevens and Naomi Stevens
Copyright. R. Stevens 2021.

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The video can also be found on my website on the music page.
You can also follow me/us on the blog where you can also find the lyrics to the track and some more background info:


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The scent of you lingers on al your things.
And now comes the silence and all it brings.
Regrets and the memories of things unsaid.
The banshees are wailing and screaming down the wind.

The ghost of you dances around this place.
I feel the touch of your fingers upon my face.
Every second of every day
The voices are howling and screaming down the wind.

The numbness is pinning my body to the ground.
My hands and my tongue are tied up in chains.

I can't make a movement or let alone make a sound
While the monsters are roaring and screaming down the wind.

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