Divine and Demonic COVID-19 Explanations

2 years ago

A discussion of research around demonic and divine explanations surrounding COVID-19 vaccines. Julie Exline discusses a research paper of she and her colleagues which showed that demonic vaccine attributions were linked with more anti-vaccination attitudes, and were also linked with conspiracy beliefs, QAnon, and apocalypticism. Exline is professor of psychology and spirituality at the College of Arts and Sciences at Western Reserve University. A special emphasis of her research includes religious and spiritual struggles, and the causes and consequences of supernatural explanations for events.

Julie Exline: https://psychsciences.case.edu/faculty/julie-exline/

Journal article: "Demonic and Divine Attributions around COVID-19 Vaccines: Links with Vaccine Attitudes and Behaviors, QAnon and Conspiracy Beliefs, Anger, Spiritual Struggles, Religious Beliefs and Political Variables, and Supernatural and Apocalyptic Beliefs"
Religions 13 (2022)

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#COVID19 #demonic #divine #conspiracy #QAnon

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