Former New Age Practitioner Exposes Demonic Forces & The Occult

2 years ago

Former New Age Practitioner Exposes Demonic Forces & The Occult

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils
1 Timothy 4

💥LibertyResearch, levistrasser, barbbruce, Helecon, G5ntl5Giant lengid79, jsmunroe59, ChrisLaw1, AscendingProof, lib3rty0rd3ath, gravelgrinder1, kevinsmithjr, BobTouchette, Theratfink, Plaster, ager78, and 1969pontiaclemansman are paid Globe Earth trolls.

tonywethepeps is a paid troll with Ronok 💥

G5ntl5Giant is a qtard / globe earth paid troll

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