Ep 246 Journey Into E-Commerce Interview With Ann Sieg Founder E-Commerce School

2 years ago

I got to interview Ann Sieg.

Ann Sieg is the author of three widely acclaimed books on how to attract customers online and generated over 4.2 million in sales from her first e-book over 13 years ago. This all as a result of Ann and her husband losing their auto glass business almost overnight due to a new state law. Ann took her little “side-hustle” business and doubled-down…taking her sales from 2K per month to 90K per month in three months’ time. It was more than enough to bring her husband home. She went on to build an online empire… network marketing, info marketing, affiliate marketing, creating and selling her own products… Ann did it all… to the tune of $20 million+ in sales. Ann’s training has impacted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to achieve online success all while working from home. But nothing has matched the rapid success of her e-commerce students. It’s not uncommon for them to see cash flow in the first few days or weeks of starting their businesses. And others have achieved 6, 7, and even 8 figure incomes – many through her free training alone. Ann is passionate to help 1000 people make $10,000 a month and build their own family economy working from home.

We spoke about:

Her journey to now.
What motivates her.
Weaknesses she turned into strengths.
Advice for the audience.
And much more.

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This episode is sponsored by Nova Zora Digital experts in digital marketing. Check out Real Talk Podcasting for all things podcasting.

*Disclaimer: The views and opinions on Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience are those of the guest's alone as their own, and the host's alone as his own. Information provided by the guest is fact checked to the best of our abilities. By providing background information to the show, the guest acknowledges that it is as accurate as possible. The show does not endorse, promote, or is in association with the guest's business interests.*

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