What’s really happening in America that we should all be worried about.

2 years ago

Everyone right now is being incredibly insensitive to the fact that people are having their homes, lives, way of life, and even childrens lives put in danger. Danger from being killed, danger of starving, danger of having no where to live. Why isn’t this in the news?! Oh I know why, because everyone is more worried about their own truth and arguments about “facts” and “science” but then want to ignore the fact it’s impossible for virgins to have babies, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. This is now where we are in the world. Not necessarily because it’s where we are all from, but there still do exist indigenous peoples and they of all people should not be being ignored to make these idiotic fights about someone else’s gender, your children, having other peoples children taken away for doing what they think is right for their own children. Those children grow up. Those children are the future and if you think they won’t remember you had them taken away from their parents. You’re wrong. So the cycle of revenge just keeps going. If insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result than it would be insane to keep up with “the way things have always been” they don’t work for everyone never have. Majority does not rule in my opinion. No matter which side your on you deserve to be heard and respected AT least not told you’re wrong for your thoughts or the way you want to live and the respectful thing to do is not say negative things about those we don’t agree with. We HAVE to learn to coexist.

People claim not to want to have their CHILDREN involved in learning all this. Yet the age for Rumble is 12 years old. This is a year under Apples minimum age requirement of 13 years old it violates their terms of use but yet you still give your children access. Unrestricted access even allowing them to download and be on any app that are intended for adults designed by adults and you don’t care to limit that you would rather argue about perverts and ignore children.

Please just learn to respect eachother and help these people this video was standing rock but there is still treaties being broken and it’s wrong

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