[Khaotic's Collection] Coin Error Types P7- Alloy Errors & Canceled Coins

2 years ago

Back when I first started this series I planned to list every coin error ever for every error category. A couple of videos ago I thought I was almost done. A source check later an it turns out I have a lot more to go. There are a few sub-categories for each category. With all these sub-cats I may never get a chance to look at coins or go over information for other collectibles. So I will be taking a brake from coin errors for a while, but we will be back for more soon. Till then will go over this final sub-cat for now.

Khaotic's Kollection Playlist: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/8CGnjdOsSeam/

Source: https://www.error-ref.com/

*Note:* Unfortunately we couldn't get into the discoure today. That will be for another video. But It will still be linked below.

Coin Community forum: https://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=18969

Collectors forum: https://forums.collectors.com/


Intro- 0:00-1:30

Source & What's to Come- 1:31-7:42

[Alloy Error]
Intrinsic Metallic Inclusions- 7:43-9:11

[Alloy Error]
Slag Inclusions- 9:12-10:20

What is Slag- 10:21-12:21

[Alloy Error]
Gas Bubbles- 12:22-14:59

[Technically scrap metal, but considered a Plantchet Error]
Canceled Waffled Coin- 15:00-19:40

More detail on Future Content- 19:41- end

Slag Remover by Foundry Plus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIYhOlVzEpE

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