Alberta, Canada Premier: Unvaccinated Are ‘Most Discriminated Against Group I’ve Ever Witnessed'

2 years ago

SMITH: “The community that faced the most restrictions on their freedoms in the last year were those who made a choice not to be vaccinated. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a situation in my lifetime where a person was fired from their job, or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey, or not allowed to go visit a loved one in long term care or hospital, or not allowed to go get on a plane to go across the country to see family or even travel across the border.
So they have been the most discriminated against group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime. That’s a pretty extreme level of discrimination that we have seen. I don’t take away any of the discrimination that I’ve seen in those other groups that you mentioned but this has been an extraordinary time in the last year in particular, and I want people to know that I find that unacceptable, that we are not going to create a segregated society on the basis of a — of medical choice.

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