Predictive Programming: X-Files S10E01 in 2016

1 year ago

X-Files S10E01 aired in 2016.

FBI Agent Einstein "You say they are tampering with our DNA, they are able to shut down our immune systems?".

Scully "A virus within a virus that was put there through the Small Pox vaccine. It is what these men are calling the "Spartan Virus".

FBI Agent Einstein "We have to figure this out. What is wrong with the science?"

Scully "OK, this spartan virus removes the adenosine deaminase from your DNA. It removes the adenosine and your immune system will simply vanish"

FBI Agent Einstein "Yeah but I am not getting sick"

Scully "It is only a matter of time"

FBI Agent Einstein "OK, then how does it work? How does the virus remove the adenosine?"

Scully "The process is called CRISPR CAS...."

FBI Agent Einstein "CRISPR CAS9! RNA & PROTEIN cutting GENES at exact locations.

Scully "Exactly, but in this instance it is used as a WEAPON"

Predictive Programming where they tell the public what they are going to do before they do it through TV & movies.

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