Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks "Enjoying the journey" Portland

2 years ago

Welcome to another recording! This audio was recorded on 6/18/16 in the Portland, OR. In this recording abraham dives into what it means to "enjoying the journey". Words we hear and say ourselves far too many times, without realizing what that really entails. Abraham explain that we are on an eternal journey and that while we seek a destination the enjoyment must be found in the journey if we desire a joyous destination which are just interim goals that we bounce from one to another.If we are to live a joyous life experience we must enjoy the journey so that we can first and foremost feel good, and connect with all the good that awaits us every step of the way! If you are wanting more information on this recording and so much more, please feel free to contact www.abraham-hicks.com. And if you are enjoying this content, please like and subscribe to my channel so that I can continue to bring you this life changing material! # enjoyingthejourney #Manifesting #vortex #selfcare #universalforces #Lawofattraction #Alignment #Basking #Broadcaster #Innerbeing #innerguidance #theWobblefreezone


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