Spicy Smackdown - Depp Trial Attorney Deep Dive Series Part 5 - Morgan Tremaine, Unexpected Good Guy

2 years ago

In this series, we're going to look at Morgan Tremaine, one of the Day 22 "randos" who absolutely obliterated Amber Heard's credibility, and why his testimony might provide the best grounds yet for charging her with perjury. "Spicy Draco" the paparazzi dispatcher from TMZ isn't necessarily who you'd expect to be the surprise hero of a celebrity trial, but in just over fifteen minutes on the stand, he exposed the workings of her DV hoax and drew a roadmap for the perjury case against her.

In Part 5, Spicy Draco drops his killing curse on Amber Heard. The lethal spell comes in the form of a kitchen cabinet video, but the magic is in the story of TMZ obtaining the *copyright.* Because Amber filmed herself making the video, she is indisputably the original copyright holder, meaning that TMZ could only have obtained the copyright from her, and her claim - under oath - that she had nothing to do with it is necessarily a lie. Although Elaine has learned to be more efficient with her cross-exam by day 22, she badly overestimates the power of her counterspell and is leveled by Morgan Tremaine's superior wizardry.

00:00 Intro
00:53 How TMZ got the kitchen cabinet video is not hearsay
02:40 Morgan knows Elaine is struggling, rubs it in
04:19 TMZ puts indicia of copyright ownership on the video
06:07 Telling the story of how the copyright is acquired
10:16 TMZ owning the copyright is devastating to Amber, so let's talk about it some more
10:57 What story do the edits to the video tell?
15:20 Elaine opens weak with cheating implications that don't land
18:08 Team Depp misses the objection
20:00 Elaine's "fame" attack ricocheted back on Elaine, and everyone rejoiced
22:29 Missed the objection again, but the answer doesn't matter
23:35 Elaine wings it, composes terrible questions
27:15 Elaine closes with the only question she should have asked
30:19 The testimony is over - Up next: Talking perjury charges

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvFpDUmd5mY&list=PL8WXX74UtY7_Izz_bvEJH_7HFTedRgjtr&index=1

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaYO119405w&list=PL8WXX74UtY7_Izz_bvEJH_7HFTedRgjtr&index=2

Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_DTt6bOOWc&list=PL8WXX74UtY7_Izz_bvEJH_7HFTedRgjtr&index=3

Part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UTu6LIJCx0&list=PL8WXX74UtY7_Izz_bvEJH_7HFTedRgjtr&index=4

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