20221012 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

Non-citizens get voter registration notices.
I'm Peter Serefine with today's Liberty Minute.
30,000 non-citizens in Colorado received notices about voter registration. The authorities in Colorado said it was a computer glitch.
Pennsylvania and Texas have both had similar”glitches” in the past.
It seems that issuing a driver's license to non-citizens and then linking the voter registration process to the driver's license process may have some unintended consequences.
Looking at the current immigration policy, or lack of an immigration policy, one might get the idea that was the plan for Motor-Voter laws all along.
Dead people stay on the voter rolls for years. Move out of state, and you're probably still on the old rolls yourself. Now, non-citizens get notified to register too.
Elections will never be secure again until we make voter registration expire. That is the only way voter rolls will ever be cleaned and maintained.
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Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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