Christians - The Laws of the House of Gentiles

2 years ago

House of Gentile Laws

1st Demon 1:1 - The Laws of YHWH are on the cross
1st Demon 1:2 - Grace will save you, not the law.
1st Demon 1:3 - Eat the Pork, Jesus made all foods clean.
1st Demon 1:4 - Jesus is your Sabbath.
1st Demon 1:5 - Paul is your god, He Says!
1st Demon 1:6 - Peter saw all food is clean.
1st Demon 1:7 - Being a gentile is a good thing.
1st Demon 1:8 - Sunday is the new Sabbath.
1st Demon 1:9 - The laws of God are for the Jews.
1st Demon 1:10 - You can't keep the laws!
1st Demon 1:11 - The laws were made to show us we couldn't keep them.
1st Demon 1:12 - There are only 2 commandments!
1st Demon 1:13 - The House of Gentiles are Raptured!
1st Demon 1:14 - You are no longer under bondage, you are free!
1st Demon 1:15 - You are not under the laws of Moses.
1st Demon 1:16 - You should keep the moral laws but not Sabbath, 9 out of 10 is good enough.
1st Demon 1:17 - God knows your heart and how pure you are.
1st Demon 1:18 - You can celebrate pagan holidays because God knows your heart.
1st Demon 1:19 - Just pray the curses off the swine and eat up!
1st Demon 1:20 - The Holy Spirit tells me what sin is, you don't need any laws
1st Demon 1:21 - Abrahams faith was counted as righteousness, which means you don't need to keep the laws.
1st Demon 1:22 - Since you can't sacrifice you can't keep the laws.
1st Demon 1:23 - Jesus fought those law abiding Pharisees so we don't have to keep those pesky laws.
1st Demon 1:24 - I am under the new better covenant, not that old worn out one.
1st Demon 1:25 - If you break one law, you break them all, so why even try!

1st Demon 2:1 - Once Saved Always Savedl
1st Demon 2:2 - A prayer at 8 years old will save you for life.
1st Demon 2:3 - My Pastor Said….
1st Demon 2:4 - Paul Said!  Paul wrote a response to a letter to a little church, not to you, but it's your doctrine! Be free!
1st Demon 2:5 - You are a modern day Pharisee for even trying to keep those laws!  
1st Demon 2:6 - The Old Testament is history, completely irrelevant.  You got the new covenant now!
1st Demon 2:7 - Your works won't save you!
1st Demon 2:8 - You will be judged by as God as a heretic!

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