1 year ago

These words of truth of this brave, conscientious woman have hit all the deaf ears of all Talmudic stooges in the so-called European Parliament, without a single handclap of support!
It's all the freak show! This woman, CLARE DALY, should have known better!
-She should have asked herself a very important question: Who and What kind of power that has been able to control, dictate, and orchestrate the whole Western world's war policy in such a "unison" across continents from Europe, America, to Australia and New Zealand? Not to mention the master global plan, the current on-going evil criminal Covid19 and its democidal clotshot! Perhaps she knew! She did poke the Israel by invoking the unjust and brutal treatment of Palestinians by the Jews and the hypocrisy of whole western world!
-This "war" has diverted all attention from the real existential danger that has been attacking all humanity: the Covid Clotshot has been murdering people and destroying human fertility for more than two years.
-This "war" is all about scaremongering the people with the constant threat of nuclear war back and fort between the USled Europe and Russia as if the Nuclear war WERE imminent! except it's NOT!- while also serving as a pretext for the engineering the current food/energy crises in order to complete the Plan of great depletion and enslavement of humanity by pushing the whole planet to the edge of poverty and starvation, and pit the whole world population to go against one another!
-I have to admit that their Plan has been very successful so far, and no one can stop it. Because the level of evilness of their Plan is beyond the people' wildest imagination! Since the whole world has been indoctrinated with statism and its benevolent government. Thus nationalism, patriotism still cloud their mind with cognitive dissonance and in a constant state of denial despite being betrayed, lied to, and pushed into poverty and starvation. .No sheeple would believe such Plan exist by such evil psychopaths. It's their "leaders" and "saviors" after all! Thus anyone tries to warn the people would be ridiculed and shrugged off as tin-head conspiracists by the people themselves! It's terrifying to think that very few people have FULLY waken up despite two and a half years of lockdowns and clotshot deaths.
-After two and a half years of "deadly novel virus pandemic", those who opposed and refused to comply with lockdown, wearing muzzles, and against the "shot", and I, this yours truly, have been healthy and strong...ONLY the fully-shot have been dropped-dead with "unknown causes" and being injured, but the sheeple still believe that the "virus" exists and keep wearing muzzles!
-It's all beyond saving!
-Folks, the last word is your as always
-It's time for me, as a senior citizen with a tiny saving, to take a pause and travel around!

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