When Queen Elizabeth II saw the Ghost of a Previous Monarch and the Many Ghosts of Windsor Castle

2 years ago

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Have you ever experienced anything beyond the ordinary? Ghost sightings? UFOs? Bigfoot? Angels? The After Life? Talking spaghetti? Anything that is unexplained? Whatever your true story is, as long as it's mysterious and almost impossible to believe, TELL me YOUR STORY!
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In today’s tale I wanted to farewell the late Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth the II with the curious reminder that reportedly her majesty was not immune to the occasional interruption of the paranormal.
It is said that the Queen herself once saw the ghost of the first Queen Elizabeth in the Library Room of the 952 year old Windsor Castle, while spending time there with her younger sister Princess Margaret, though how old the royal sisters were when this occurred has not been reported, yet it was indeed prior to 2002, the year in which Princess Margaret regrettably passed away.
Frustratingly I could not find many precise details relating to the incident, and it may be we will never know how the event transpired or what the Queen’s personal thoughts were on the encounter, but others who claim to have seen Elizabeth I, also report that they heard her footsteps first!
Sightings of Elizabeth I aren’t all that uncommon, as various people have apparently seen her royal visage pass through Westminster Abbey, where she lay buried next to her half-sister Mary, who makes a strange resting companion considering Mary herself hated Elizabeth and had her locked away in the Bell Tower for a period during her own reign, paranoid of her half-sister’s assumed support of Protestant rebels who preferred Elizabeth over a Catholic Queen.... watch the video to find out what happens....
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Special Thanks to the Unsplash contributors for the use of their photos in this video! Most of the photos used in this video can be found here: https://unsplash.com/collections/RdnM4WgErTI/pictures-i've-used-in-my-projects
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#queenelizabeth #Ghosts #ghoststories #royalghost

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